Watch Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band” on YouTube
Suzuki Telling it like it is
"Economics is a form of brain damage! Economics is so
Curiosity Footage of Dividing Cells
This footage is amazing because it shows the exact moment
ANZAC DAY My Two Bobs Worth I hereby formally give
Political In Correctness
It is perfectly understandable that conservative thinkers regard “political correctness”
Our World is a Stage
Our world is a stage Infinity, the audience. Our world
Astonishing Glasswork by Master Craftsman Alan Ussher
I had the pleasure of a guided tour of Al's
A time for something extra.
So, I'm a Dolphin right? I'm in a big fish
Life While we may have, but one life. Beyond the
The History of Typography
Congratulations to Ben Barrett-Forrest of for creating this awesome
Feast your Brain at Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 49,000 free ebooks: choose among free
Kate Davis “All About that Bass”
Bruce Lee “Be Water My Friend”
For my mind, Bruce Lee was a superb example of
The Little Shell
The Little Shell Into the sea and from the Never-time,
Inspiration Where is my inspiration? Taken by the wind, mixed
The Light
The Light (CJP Circa. 2000) The light that seeks to
Funk Society
Funk Society (CJP Circ 1990) Funk Society, I've got better